# Welcome to the IPFS Weekly. 👋
The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) (opens new window) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identity. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Since that’s a pretty large scope, we track development across the ecosystem in this weekly dispatch.
Looking to get involved? Click on some of the links below, see what we’re up to on GitHub (opens new window), or join us on IRC (opens new window).
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Here are some of the highlights since the last IPFS Weekly.
# The latest
- js.ipfs.io (opens new window) is now translated in 9 languages!! The latest addition being Chinese. All thanks to the Transifex project that the Web Browsers Working Group kicked off (opens new window) and our amazing community of contributors 👏👏👏
- Manage your IPFS installs with this new CLI tool (opens new window), iim (opens new window), created by Alan Shaw (opens new window).
# Meet Michelle Hertzfeld
Michelle Hertzfeld works on the IPFS Decentralized Data Stewardship working group (opens new window) at Protocol Labs. Before Protocol Labs, Michelle worked at 18F (opens new window) as a UX developer and Front End Design Supervisor. At 18F, she assisted in helping various government departments in the United States create more user-centric web interfaces. She is passionate about building products that meets the needs of the user.
# IPFS in the wild
Do you follow IPFS on Twitter (opens new window)? For the latest mentions of IPFS in the news, check our Twitter feed or see the latest articles on Awesome IPFS (opens new window).
- Future implementations of Callisto Network IPFS (opens new window), 3 Feb 2019
- Decentralization is Not Enough (opens new window), Interview with Nolan Lawson, 1 Feb 2019
- Soy is the Secret Sauce for the Unstoppable Web (opens new window), ConsenSys Web3Studio, 31 Jan 2019
- Aragon comes back to the desktop (opens new window), 30 Jan 2019
- IPFS in a Nutshell (opens new window), 30 Jan 2019
- Hosting Slate Documentation On IPFS (opens new window), Temporal, 29 Jan 2019
- Introducing the Origin Marketplace Creator: Instant Peer-to-Peer Marketplaces (opens new window), Origin, 28 Jan 2019
# Updates and new releases
See the latest releases of IPFS tools and projects across the ecosystem.
- qri 0.7.0 (opens new window) is packed mostly with stability improvements, but we also shipped support for Excel!
# Questions from the community 🤔
Here are some questions folks are discussing in the IPFS ecosystem.
- Would I be able to build a completely decentralized Wiki using IPFS? (opens new window)
- I want to create a record in this public database and link to their also public solutions... there is a way to do it on IPFS? (opens new window)
- If a node requests data from another cluster in which it is a member, is this data also distributed in the new cluster? (opens new window)
- What motivates people to use IPFS for large volumes of data? (opens new window)
# Tools and projects we ❤️
Awesome IPFS (opens new window) is a community maintained and updated list of projects, tools, or pretty much any things related to IPFS that are totally awesome. To see more, or add yours to the list, visit Awesome IPFS on GitHub (opens new window).
- Dogenealogy (opens new window) is a decentralized breed registry made by Lorenzo Zaccagnini, uses Etherum blockchain and IPFS in order to track the animal pedigree.
- Temporal.cloud (opens new window) Walk-Through: IPFS at the click of a button with the best free usage tier of any IPFS service: Free 3GB/Monthly, 5 Free IPNS record creation a month, 100 Free pubSub messages a month and 5 Free IPFS keys.
- Ethereum Primer now available on Zastrin! (opens new window)
- Ultimate Guide to Filecoin: Breaking Down Filecoin Whitepaper & Economics (opens new window), The Startup, 30 Jan 2019
- Introducing Web3 Labs (opens new window)
- Menlo (opens new window) is a framework for rapidly developing decentralized applications (dApps). This framework is designed to provide users with a user experience on-par with the centralized apps they’re used to.
# Coming up in the Community
Did you know IPFS has a community forum at discuss.ipfs.tech (opens new window)? Sign up to participate in discussions about coding, tutorials, see announcements and learn about upcoming community events.
- 6 Feb 2019: Qri: A bleeding-edge open source data science tool on the distributed web, hosted by New York Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (opens new window).
- 11-14 Feb 2019: #BUIDLWeek Colorado (opens new window), a series of blockchain events (Blockchain Meetups, Workshops & Connections) open to the public, leading up to the ETHDenver 2019 main stage event.
- 15-17 Feb 2019: ETHDenver 2019 (opens new window), The ETHDenver #BUIDLATHON is about bringing together like minds around a common purpose.
- 2 Mar 2019: On Global Diversity CFP Day 2019 (opens new window) there will be numerous workshops hosted around the globe encouraging and advising newbie speakers to put together your very first talk proposal and share your own individual perspective on any subject of interest to people in tech.
- 17-18 May 2019: Data Terra Nemo (opens new window) is a technical conference about decentralized protocols and the software built on top of them.
# Thanks for reading ☺️
That’s it for this week’s news on all things IPFS. If we missed something, reply to this email and let us know! That way we can feature you in next week’s edition.