There's a new version of the ipld-explorer-cli (opens new window) tool for exploring IPLD (opens new window) data! Let's break down those acronyms and explain why I'm so excited about this.
IPLD (Inter Planetary Linked Data) (opens new window) is the underlying data structure used by IPFS that allows it to store, retrieve and traverse through any type of content-addressed data. Recently, our team created the awesome new IPLD Explorer (opens new window) so you can visually explore IPLD objects. If you haven't already checked it out, hop over and explore everything from git repos (opens new window) to ethereum blocks (opens new window) to historic photo archives of the lunar landings (opens new window) to your own IPLD data.
The IPLD Explorer also comes with a command-line interface (ipld-explorer-cli (opens new window)) so you can explore with your keyboard. I was inspired to give it an upgrade so that it could resolve IPLD formats other than dag-pb
and dag-cbor
, like git-raw
and ethereum-block
. It also now works with a js-ipfs
daemon if you have one running (you’ll need to update the API address using the "config" command).
Here's a quick demo video:
# Installing and using the new CLI
Ensure you have at least:
Install the module globally:
$ npm i -g ipld-explorer-cli
Then, launch the interactive shell:
$ ipld-explorer
You'll see instructions to explore sample datasets and begin traversing the Merkle forest 🌲🌲🌲. You can also start a js-ipfs daemon (opens new window) to explore your own data. Enjoy!
# 💬 Feedback or bugs?
Do you have feedback for us, or bugs to report? Please open an issue:
# 🙌🏽 Want to contribute to this CLI tool?
Check out the issues marked good first issue
and let us know where you would like to begin!
# 🙌🏽 Want to contribute to IPFS?
Would you like to contribute to the IPFS project and don't know how? Well, there are a few places you can get started:
- Check the issues with the
help wanted
label at the Ready column in our waffle board - - Join an IPFS All Hands, introduce yourself and let us know where you would like to contribute -
- Hack with IPFS and show us what you made! The All Hands call is also the perfect venue for demos, join in and show us what you built
- Join the discussion at and help users finding their answers.
- Join the ⚡️ⒿⓈ Core Dev Team Weekly Sync 🙌🏽 (opens new window) and be part of the Sprint action!
# ⁉️ Do you have questions?
The best place to ask your questions about IPFS, how it works and what you can do with it is at (opens new window). We are also available at the #ipfs channel on Freenode.